From the suburbs to world capitals, from toddlers to rock stars, from private joy to public sorrow -- Photos by EJ sees the world through fresh eyes.
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Prints and other quality photographic items available by request. Please use Contact tab.
EJ's first camera was an Instamatic. She learned to develop and print in high school and misses lost afternoons in the dark room.
Missing and sick cameras include a circa 1985 Canon T70 (one of the first with an LCD status screen), full and fun-sized Polaroids, several out of date digital P&S and an early 80s Vivatar 110. If she could fix just one, it would be her dad's mid-70s Canon AE-1, containing his last roll of film.
Current cameras include a Nikon D90 D-SLR, Olympus P&S for color process B&W film and an rarely used Quad Cam.
EJ holds a BA in Writing from Columbia University (2006) and a BA in Political Science and Women's Studies from CSU Fullerton (2005). She is a McNair Fellow, Sainsbury grantee and two-time History Channel grantee.
She completed an MFA in Writing at CalArts in 2009, where she also studied photography with the generous, insightful and brilliant trio of Allan Sekula, Ashley Hunt and Leigh Ledare.